Mr. Albers by Kady Dunlap

I know I don't blog much and don't think about it often, but I didn't realize it had been a whole year since my last post.  Oops!

These are just a few pictures of my neighbor, Mr. Albers.  He is 90-years-old, and he lives around the corner from me in a house he built in the 1940s.  He has two daughters, and he was married to his wife for 69 years and 11 months.  She died in January.  He is smart, spry, and he lives a beautifully simple life.  Daily activities include a coffee run to McDonald's in the morning and tending his garden.

Right on time... by Kady Dunlap

I've just returned from a week of work in Dallas.  Most of it was for Serve West Dallas.  There's a lot of good stuff going on in that city to try to transform the city and people's lives.  Some images from the four days of work:

Visit if you're interested in learning more.

2016 by Kady Dunlap

I don't make new year's resolutions, but I can't help but think about goals and desires for 2016.  I'm still crafting them, so stay tuned.  I'm back in South Carolina for my mental health holiday, although it may shape up to be mentally challenging as I will have A LOT of alone time.  We'll see how it goes!  Today, I'm catching up on Quickbooks while watching bad Hallmark movies.  I'm also reading these great blog posts by my friend Lindsey Nobles and thinking...

some pictures from January...